There are approximately 20,000 arrests for operating/driving under the influence of alcohol in Massachusetts each year. More than half of all people arrested for drunk driving in Massachusetts are found not guilty after trial.

If you have been charged in Massachusetts with operating/driving under the influence of alcohol you must consult with an experienced drunk driving attorney who specializes in drunk driving defense to discuss how your case can be won.

Drunk Driving Defense in Massachusetts is a specialized area of law. Mr. Sharkansky is an experienced attorney who has both prosecuted and defended hundreds of drunk driving cases throughout Massachusetts and is highly skilled and experienced at the techniques needed to win your case.

There are dozens of ways an experienced operating/driving under the influence of alcohol attorney can impeach a police officer opinion of your performance on field sobriety tests. An experienced attorney can demonstrate the following:

  • Most OUI/DWI/DUI tests are designed for you to fail;
  • Most OUI/DWI/DUI tests are not conducted as required by the police department manual; and
  • Most OUI/DWI/DUI tests are conducted under unfair conditions.

There are dozens of ways an experienced attorney can cast doubt on the results of the breath test that is commonly administered in an OUI/DUI/DWI automobile stop:

  • Most police departments fail to maintain the necessary records for the breath test machine.
  • Most breath test operators fail to comply with the required procedures for test accuracy.

Remember, if you have a trial for your operating/driving under the influence of alcohol case:

  • The jury will not know you refused the breath test.
  • The jury will not know you refused the field sobriety tests.
  • The jury will not know you have a prior conviction for operating/driving under the influence of alcohol

I welcome you to review my biography to learn of my experience and expertise in restoring stability to people’s lives who have found themselves in your shoes – a person facing an OUI/DUI/DWI prosecution.

Do not make the same mistake that so many others now regret. Contact attorney Mark Moss for a free consultation on how your OUI/DUI/DWI case in Massachusetts can be won.